How it works
The fodder carousel offers a lot of advantages for you and your horse.
- More time for the horse to feed on its food
- Highe ractivity level for the animal
- Lesspollution, due to the fact that it needs to be filled and emptied once a day only.
- Clean food
- You save time
- You save money
- Food can beportioned with more accuracy
- There is asmaller risk of injury
- More species-appropriate way of feeding due to the fact that the horses pick their food almost at ground level
- Reduces odd be havior of the animal
- Healthier animals
- Moresanitary and easier to clean
People who have their horses housed in a barn where it feeds on hay that is on the ground are often unhappy, due to the fact that a big quantity of hay, being dirty, is despised by the animal. In consequence, the horses eat up the roughage on display very quickly. This leads to longer time fames in which the horses are not feeding on
anything, causing them to suffer from gastric ulcer or a colic aswell as other forms of health issues. Some horses even show psychological
problems in form of abnormal behavior.These problems are very displeasing to the barn owner too.The price for hay and straw has risen considerably over the last few years. There fore,it does not come by surprise that owners are not amused of the fact that the animal uses the hay that is laying on the ground for hygienic purposes rather than to feed on it.The tight stuffing of hay into a net on the other hand, is costly and needs a lot of time. Barn owners often neglect this in order to save the money that they would have to spend on human
resources. When feeding on roughage offered by a fodder carousel, the horse has to eat more slowly. The pauses between meal times are
there by shortened considerably. The three compartments for roughage allow a better portioning of the food. Hence, the adequate
amount of food can be given to the horse in portions which meet the individual necessity of the animal. The hay remains inside the fodder
carousel preventing it from falling to the ground, getting dirty and in consequence being despised by the horse.
The animal can feed naturally close to the ground with a straight forward positioning of the head, without having to bow its head
as when a hayrack is in use.
The way of long do rational feeding prevents the
animals to suffer from the describedhealth and behavioral problems. The horses are notably more contempt and the refore, have a higher performance level.
The fodder carousel
(diameter 58cm, height 1m) holds 260 liters
which ensures a display of a sufficient amount of roughage in a single fill even for bigger horse races.
The rotating fodder carousel only has to be filled once a day in order to offer the horse three meals a day. This has the advantage for the
owner having to clean-up the stabling once a day only. A saving of time and a considerablereduce of pollution is the result.
The foddercarousel is positioned at the front side of the stable, right between the horse'sstable and the stable lane.
Retrofitting the fodder carousel is always possible.
The device was conceptualized in a way that, from inside the stable, the horse can only reach that food compartment of the carousel, which is rotated to the stable's innerside. Meanwhile, the other two compartments are out of the horse's reach at the stable lane. The fodder carousel is fixed with a latching that is part of the purchase. This prevents an unintended rotation of the device.
Further, it is not necessary to enter the inner part of the stable in order the supply the horse with food, as the carousel can be refilled from the stable lane.
The rotation of the device is easy, allowing the owner to provide food for a big number of horses with in only minutes, one by one in a
species-appropriate manner. Jealousy of food between the animals is reduced considerably.